Burn Notice is an American action/comedy television series created by Matt Nix that is the subject of this wiki. It stars Jeffrey Donovan, Gabrielle Anwar, Bruce Campbell and Sharon Gless. Burn Notice ended its run with it's final episode on September 12, 2013. 7 seasons turning out 111 episodes and 1 movie.
When spies get fired, they don’t get a letter from human resources. They receive a burn notice that dismisses them from service because they are now considered unreliable.
A spy (Michael Westen) attempts to uncover why he was kicked out of the business while helping Miami locals who can't rely on the police for justice in order to fund his investigation into who, or what, caused his termination. Michael joins forces with his ex girlfriend Fiona Glenanne, best friend Sam Axe, and former CIFA agent Jesse Porter to uncover the truth about his burn notice and the organization behind it.
- This article is a stub relating to the production of Burn Notice.